McMinn law firm
How to Find Your Lawyer for An Injury Case
If you or a loved one is dealing with the implications of an injury after a truck or car accident, assault, dog bite, or other serious incident, you may have decided you’d like to talk to a lawyer. But how do you find a lawyer that will be able to help you secure...
Holiday Injuries
Holiday Injuries: Don’t Let Your “Ho Ho Ho!” Turn Into An “Oh No Oh No!” Keep Holidays Accident and Injury Free By now, most of us have put up all our holiday decorations and are enjoying the majestic quality of lit up houses and trees in windows. Decorations add to...
Texas Car Seat Laws
We all think we know about the important role seatbelts and car seats play in staying safe in the vehicle. But it’s not easy to keep up with the latest safety measures, even when parents try to do what’s right for their kids. Did you know that car seats expire? Car...
Cameras on Austin school buses will spot drivers who pass illegally
Oct. 3, 2015 | by Julie Chang - American-Statesman Staff Austin school buses will soon start recording drivers who pass them illegally. The school board is contracting with Arizona-based American Traffic Solutions to install cameras on about 300 buses, roughly...
Drivers excluded from insurance policies still hitting the road
Posted:Dec 08 2016 05:08PM CST | Updated:Dec 08 2016 06:28PM CST | by Staff Texas is one of the worst states in the nation for uninsured drivers. In fact, 1 out of every 5 Texas drivers is not covered by basic liability insurance, more than a million...
A Lawyer’s Guide to Preparing for Your Personal Injury Deposition
For many facing personal injury, the accident and treatment afterwards is one of the scariest times in a person's life. The accident may have been traumatic, and then was followed by pain from injuries, the challenge of treating injuries, and finally unexpected and...
Negligence: Who’s at fault?
How Texas law treats negligence in a personal injury case. Determining who's at fault isn't always straightforward. What is "negligence" in a personal injury case? Negligence is defined by the Legal Dictionary as: In one word, negligence can be described as...
How much is pain and suffering worth in personal injury court?
Pain and suffering from injuries is a serious component of personal injury law. No client should ever have to endure the pains that they do. No money will ever make amends for the suffering they endure, but it is our duty as personal injury attorneys to advocate for...
Austin Car Accident Attorney
I’m often asked by prospective clients why they need a lawyer to represent them in their car accident case. The answer is very simple, the at-fault party’s insurance company will try to take advantage of you any way they can.
Texas Modified Joint and Several Liability
I recently had a client come into my office who had been in a serious car accident. He sustained significant injuries from the crash and had already accumulated very high medical bills. My client was a passenger in a car driven by a friend. Their vehicle was struck from the side by a large truck that was attempting to change lanes.
Recent Personal Injury Case Results
The McMinn Law Firm has helped injured Austinites for fifteen years, winning over 100 million dollars in settlements to date.
Uninsured Motorist Accident
Drunk Driver Accident
Truck Accident Victim
Austin Personal Injury Lawyers Waiting To Help You
We specialise representing clients in the following areas, we are waiting to help you on your personal injury case.
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In Need Of Compensation?
Let us – at no cost to you – evaluate your situation so you can be sure. We don’t get paid unless you do. Call or reach out today to speak to an attorney with no obligations.