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FAQs: Car Accident Reports in Texas

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FAQs: Car Accident Reports in Texas

If you were recently involved in a car accident in Texas, you may have questions about car accident reports. Here, the legal team at McMinn Personal Injury Lawyers answers the most common questions we receive about accident reports. 

Do I Have to Report a Car Accident in Texas?

Texas traffic laws require anyone involved in an accident that is reasonably likely to result in injury to or death of a person or property damage exceeding $1,000 to report the accident to law enforcement as soon as possible, usually by calling the appropriate law enforcement agency. 

What Other Duties Do I Have After a Car Accident in Texas?

An individual who is involved in an accident that meets the condition concerning the possibility of death or injury is also required to:

  • Immediately stop the vehicle at the accident scene or as close as possible
  • Immediately return to the collision scene if they did not immediately stop
  • Immediately determine whether anyone involved in the collision needs medical assistance
  • Remain at the scene of the collision until all legal duties are completed
  • If requested, give the driver’s name and address, their vehicle’s registration number, and the name of their liability insurance company to the other driver or passenger 
  • Show their driver’s license to any other driver or passenger who requests it
  • Provide any person injured in the accident reasonable assistance, including transporting them to a hospital or arranging that transportation 

If your accident only involves property damage exceeding $1,000 (and not injuries or death), you have to abide by all of the above requirements except determining whether a person is involved in the crash and needs medical aid. A person who fails to comply with these requirements can face criminal penalties.

Where Do I Report the Accident?

If the accident occurred in a municipality, you must report the accident to the local police department. However, if it occurred up to 100 feet outside a municipality’s limits, you can report it to the local police department or the sheriff’s office. For accidents that do not need to be reported (e.g., no injuries, death, or property damage exceeding $1,000), you must file a report with the Texas Department of Transportation within ten days of the accident.

Do Police Have to Complete an Accident Report?

A law enforcement officer who investigates an accident must complete a written report if the collision resulted in injury, death, or property damage of $1,000 or more. The officer must file the report electronically with the Texas Department of Transportation within ten days after the collision. 

What Information Does a Texas Car Accident Report Have on It?

A Texas accident report must contain sufficiently detailed information to state the cause and conditions of the people and vehicles involved in a collision. The officer will include statements from the parties involved in the accident report. The report must also indicate whether a commercial truck carrying a trailer or an emergency response vehicle was involved in the accident. 

Where Do I Get a Copy of the Report? 

You can request a copy of the report from the law enforcement agency that reported it or online through the Texas Department of Transportation’s TxDot Crash Report Online Purchase System

How Can a Car Accident Report Help Me?

Car accident reports can contain useful information about the details of an accident, including the name and contact information of the other drivers. It can also contain information about and statements from witnesses. Additionally, it can indicate how the accident happened, making it a useful resource for making your insurance claim. 

Can a Lawyer Help Me Obtain a Car Accident Report?

You do not have to go through the process of preparing your accident claim alone. An experienced car accident lawyer can obtain a copy of your report.

Contact An Experienced Austin Car Accident Attorney at McMinn Personal Injury Lawyers

If you or a loved one were injured in a car accident in Texas, you could have important legal rights. If another driver’s negligence caused your injuries, an experienced personal injury lawyer can help. For more information, contact the Austin car accident law firm of McMinn Personal Injury Lawyers or visit our office in Austin, TX.

McMinn Personal Injury Lawyers – Austin Office
502 W 14th St
Austin TX 78701


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